Tuesday, March 28, 2006

What our students have to say in response to the School Systems offers

Dear Baltimore Sun,

Why do they want to shut our school down?

I think my school should not be shut down because we have less students so there is less violence and conflicts. Also, we get more attention in class. Is the school board being selfish with their money?

I think all schools should get money because you need to have more success with students so they will not drop out and bring more violence by selling drugs and getting pregnant.

My principal Mrs. Susan Tibbels is a wonderful principal, she would do anything for this school as well as Ms. Jane, the vice-principal. Ms. Emily is my teacher. She is the best teacher. She gives lessons on being better readers and writers. She knows how to pick great books at the store called Barnes and Nobles. Ms. Emily is a teacher who believes in the children that she teaches.

Every child is well educated by wonderful teachers. Please don'’t shut down our school.

Cheyenne Johnson
6thh grader, New Song Academy
Vincent Court
Baltimore, MD 21217
school: 410.728.2091

And another

Dear Baltimore Sun,

My name is Jawanda. I'’m twelve years old and in the 6th grade. I've attended New Song Academy for three years. When I first came here I failed. My second year was more successful and I learned more.

Last year 92% of the 5th grade students passed the MSA and I was a part of that. There are some schools that have 5th graders that can’t even read on a 3rd grade level. At New Song, we have 3rd graders on a 4th and 5th grade level.

Our teachers make sacrifices for us. There are times when it’s hard for me and I can turn around and there is my teacher Ms. Emily saying, “'I love you' or when we were doing MSA, '“I hope you do well. You can do it!' She was encouraging me just like she always does.

Our school is safe. Everyone knows everybody. Not many schools are safe. BCPSS, you can't take our school away. We will stand up until it'’s over. I am saying, don'’t let us down. We love our school.

Jawanda Bowman
6th grader, New Song Academy
Mount St.
Baltimore, MD 21217
School: 410.728.2091

And another

Dear Baltimore Sun,

I'm Latora Brockington and this is my first year at New Song. I'm writing about the funds. I think this school should stay open because it's successful and to stay successful, we need money.

New Song has good teachers who pay a lot of attention to each person and we don't have to act out to get attention. The school stays clean and we have no graffiti or bad language on the wall. Another good thing about the school is that it is connected to other good things in the community.

My question is: Why are they doing this to us? We don't deserve a good school? Give us what we deserve.

Latora Brockington
6th grader, New Song Academy
Presstman St.
Baltimore, MD 21217
School: 410.728.2091


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