How Has NSA Supported BCPSS?
Fact Sheet
How has New Song Academy addressed the Baltimore City’s Master Plan Goals?
What BCPSS Wants:
Objective: Increase student achievement pre-kindergarten through grade 12
What New Song Has Done:
- Met the standards for adequate yearly progress on the Maryland School Assessment (MSA) for both 2003–2004 and 2004-2005 school years
- At every grade level has exceeded BCPSS average on the MSA in reading and/or math
Objective: Provide students with highly qualified and competent staff
What New Song Has Done:
- Nearly 60% of the staff have Advanced Professional Certification
- One staff member has received National Board Certification
- Staff members have advanced degrees from Harvard, Towson and Johns Hopkins University
- High quality, site-based professional development designed to meet the compliance with State Curriculum goals as well as current, research-based best practices
Objective: Comply fully with Federal and State laws governing the education of students with disabilities
What New Song Has Done:
- No compensable special education violations in 9 years
- Established a full inclusion model of instruction where every special needs student is educated in the regular classroom setting
Objective: Increase the level of parent, family, community and business support and involvement
What New Song Has Done:
- 100% family involvement
- Meaningful collaboration with Sandtown Habitat for Humanity, EDEN Jobs, New Song Arts and Media, Martha’s Place and New Song Health Center
- On-going and long-term relationships with businesses such as The Rouse Company Foundation., T. Rowe Price, Towson University, Vertis Inc. and Enterprise Community Partners
Objective: Provide secure, civil, clean, drug-free and orderly learning environments
What New Song Has Done:
- In a community recently noted for having the highest murder rate in the city, New Song has created an environment where there is no need for school police; where the high school graduation rate for graduates is 78.9% and is projected to rise to 86.6% this year; where 15 parents and 13 graduates are currently attending college; and where attendance rates are 97.4% in elementary school and over 98% in our middle grades
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