Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Contact Gubernatorial Candidates for New Song

Clearly, the funding of successful schools is bigger that New Song. Our push for the larger share of state funding has struck a chord with those who support successful schools. We need to get those who are seeking our highest state office to commit to funding success, not simply supporting failure. Here is contact information:

Doug Duncan:
Campaign Office
8719 Colesville Road, Suite 200
Silver Spring, MD 20910
Ph: (240) 821-1600
Fax: (240) 821-1601

Martin O'Malley:
2400 Boston Street
Suite 203
Baltimore, MD 21224
Phone: 410-814-4206
Fax: 410-814-4218

Governor Robert L. Ehrlich, Jr.
100 State Circle
Annapolis, Maryland 21401-1925
410.974.3901 ~ 1.800.811.8336

Friday, April 21, 2006

April 21st Update - and CALL TO ACTION!

Dear Supporters,

Although we have been quiet this week, there has been some significant work going on regarding our campaign to secure funding for New Song Academy. I'll give you the highlights:

  • Several of our Board members and one of our supporters from the business community met with Commissioner Buzzy Hettleman this past Monday. The outcome was less than encouraging and can be summarized by Mr. Hettleman's assurance that we would never get 59% of the BCPSS per pupil expenditure. Many of the budget concerns that we had he dismissed saying that he wouldn't look into them. According to Mr. Hettleman, the CFO is short staffed and overwhelmed. He doesn't want to make more work for him. Mr. Hettleman did agree to ensure that the funding formula for our school for this year and next is the same as that used for other "similarly situated" schools even though we are able to document that one school in the System gets 6 times what our school received this year. Mr. Hettleman refused to discuss that school. Mr. Hettleman also agreed to look into the $400,000 for consultants that is part of the Board of School Commissioner's $1.5 million budget. If you are interested in seeing the '07 budget, you can find it on-line on the BCPSS website. It seems evident, even to the untrained eye, that there are many pools of funds that could and should be redirected to schools instead of central office.

  • On Tuesday, Congressman Elijah Cummings visited our school and has offered his full support to help us obtain the funding we need. The channel 11 report covering his visit can be seen by clicking the link in another posting from our blog. The Congressman is arranging and attending a meeting with Dr. Nancy Grasmick and members of our Board to see how we might get assistance from MSDE for our efforts.

  • As part of the channel 11 report, the Chief Academic Officer, Linda Chinnea, was interviewed and clearly stated that the traditional funding formula for schools has not been changed. That same day, we got our staffing allocation form from BCPSS documenting that next year in addition to not having 5 th and 8th grade teaching positions, we will lose our 3rd grade teaching position. We will also lose our half-time allocation for an assistant principal. The new allocation provides us with 16.5 positions or a .5 increase from the current year number of 16.
    On Wednesday morning, there was a report on WYPR about our campaign. You can find that on our blog, as well.

On Wednesday, our Board of Directors met and decided that we will continue our organizing efforts even though it is extremely time consuming and oftentimes discouraging in terms of outcomes. At some point in the near future, though, we will have to decide whether or not we can continue operating New Song Academy next school year.


  1. It's letter, fax and phone time again. This time, we need to contact Mayor O'Malley. The school board budget goes to the Mayor for approval. We need Mayor O'Malley to demonstrate the leadership that will ensure that children in Baltimore City are getting the direct benefit of funds they are entitled to receive in their schools. If Mayor O'Malley fails to respond, we will make our appeal to Doug Duncan and Governor Ehrlich. The Mayor's contact information is Mayor@baltimorecity.gov, 410.396.4897 phone and 410.396.9568 fax. Please get everyone you know to contact the Mayor during this coming week since this is his last chance to act before we attempt to get support from other government officials.

  2. Propose to Congressman Cummings and Dr. Grasmick that they either promote a new national effort to create a referendum for every school district in the country (starting with Baltimore City) that 65% of the per pupil expenditure in every district go directly to classrooms or that the state designates all or part of their 9% increase in funding for BCPSS this year for schools that meet the city and state standards for success.

The pressure you have been putting on our various representatives is working. Even though many of them don't like our message, or the fact that we won't go away, we are getting through to them. We need to stand firm for what we know is right and not "grow weary in well doing." Please keep the discussion alive among your network of congregations, businesses, friends and relatives. Together, we can bring about great change for the children in our city!

Susan Tibbels

Thursday, April 20, 2006

We are putting the FUN in Fund Raiser

Dear Supporters,

Rain, rain, go away! Due to the poor weather conditions, the pre-game activities have been postponed. The celebrity basket ball game is STILL ON!. We would LOVE to see you here!

At 6:30 there will be a celebrity benefit basketball game at New Song Academy. The goal is to raise the necessary dollars so as to keep New Song Academy in position to continue doing the positive work it is doing with our children. For more information or to be a sponsor, please call Corey Mathis at 1.301.814.1436. Thank you.

Cost: $10.00 per adult, $5.00 per child.

Please come out and support our students!

Doni Glover, Parent

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

New Song Welcomes Congressman Elijah E. Cummings

On Tuesday, April 19th, Congressman Elijah Cummings visited New Song Academy and lent his support to our fight for full funding for successful schools. See the story by clicking here: New Song on TV

And, Baltimore's NPR station also came to New Song to learn about our struggle. This story aired on Wednesday, April 19th. Along with Congressman Cummings, Mr. Joseph and one of our 8th grade girls are featured. Take a listen by clicking here

Please take a minute to email the Congressman and thank him for his support. The congressman contact information can be found here: http://www.house.gov/Cummings/contact.htm

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Step Up and Let the City Council Know How Important New Song Is

Now that the school system has voted on its budget and successful schools and the students that attend those schools were left behind, we need to let the City Council know that we want our 59%. The City Council must vote to pass the budget and now is the time. Here is the contact information you need to get your voices heard. Every call, every email and every fax helps. Spend a few minutes, support New Song and other successful schools.

Sheila Dixon
Phone: (410) 396-4804
Fax: (410) 539-0647
Room: 400

Stephanie Rawlings Blake
Vice President of the City Council
Room 516, City Hall
100 N. Holliday St.
Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: 410-396-4832
Fax: 410-396-6800
E-mail: srawlings@baltimorecitycouncil.com

James Kraft
Room 505, City Hall
100 N. Holliday St.
Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: 410-396-4821
Fax: 410-347-0547
E-mail: jkraft@baltimorecitycouncil.com

Belinda Conaway
Room 548, City Hall
100 N. Holliday St.
Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: 410-396-4810
Fax: 410-347-0537
E-mail: bconaway@baltimorecitycouncil.com

Kenneth N. Harris, Sr.
Room 503, City Hall
100 N. Holliday St.
Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: 410-396-4830
Fax: 410-659-1792
E-mail: kharris@baltimorecitycouncil.com

Nicholas D'Adamo
Room 525, City Hall
100 N. Holliday St.
Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: 410-396-4808
Fax: 410-396-4414
E-mail: ndadamo@baltimorecitycouncil.com

Robert Curran
Room 553, City Hall
100 N. Holliday St.
Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: 410-396-4812
Fax: 410-396-8621
E-mail: rcurran@baltimorecitycouncil.com

Rochelle "Rikki" Spector
Room 521, City Hall
100 N. Holliday St.
Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: 410-396-4819
Fax: 410-396-6800
E-mail: rspector@baltimorecitycouncil.com

Helen Holton
Room 518, City Hall
100 N. Holliday St.
Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: 410-396-4818
Fax: 410-396-4828
E-mail: hholton@baltimorecitycouncil.com

Agnes Welch
Room 532, City Hall
100 N. Holliday St.
Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: 410-396-4815
Fax: 410-545-3857
E-mail: awelch@baltimorecitycouncil.com

Edward Reisinger
Room 504, City Hall
100 N. Holliday St.
Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: 410-396-4822
Fax: 410-545-7353
E-mail: ereisinger@baltimorecitycouncil.com

Kieffer Mitchell
Room 527, City Hall
100 N. Holliday St.
Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: 410-396-4816
Fax: 410-545-7464
E-mail: kmitchell@baltimorecitycouncil.com

Bernard Jack Young
Room 509, City Hall
100 N. Holliday St.
Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: 410-396-4811
Fax: 410-396-1594
E-mail: byoung@baltimorecitycouncil.com

Paula Johnson Branch
Room 511, City Hall
100 N. Holliday St.
Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: 410-396-4829
Fax: 410-347-0534
E-mail: pbranch@baltimorecitycouncil.com

Mary Pat Clarke
Room 550, City Hall
100 N. Holliday St.
Baltimore, MD 21202
Phone: 410-396-4814
Fax: 410-545-7585
E-mail: mclarke@baltimorecitycouncil.com

Join Us In Support of New Song

Dear Supporters,

On Friday, April 21st from 6:30 to 9:30 pm, SOS (Save Our Seeds) Baltimore will present a celebrity benefit basketball game - as well as a day of fun - at New Song Academy. The goal is to raise the necessary dollars so as to keep New Song Academy in position to continue doing the positive work it is doing with our children. FMI or to be a sponsor, please call Corey Mathis at 1.301.814.1436. Thank you.

Doni Glover, Parent

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Next Steps

We’re sorry for the delay in regard to the outcome of last night’s School Board meeting. We needed some time to discuss our next steps. The Board of Commissioners approved the ’07 budget without any line item for successful schools. Our finance committee is reviewing the BCPSS budget as we speak, and is identifying revenue that is being allocated for unessential items/services so that we can have it redirected to classrooms and students. Our Treasurer will meet with Commissioner Hettleman next week to explain how we are not trying to take money away from other schools. We will also continue to rally the support of City Council members to see if they can help since they give the final approval of the school board budget. Finally, we have an interesting idea that we have come up with to suggest to the State, that we are just starting to flesh out. More on that later…

Last night was an expected move on the part of BCPSS, so we are not discouraged, but more determined than ever. In the end, we believe that justice and persistence will win out. What started as a struggle for the rights of children at New Song Academy has now turned into a struggle for the rights of every child in the City. In The Sun today, the City has once again said that they will take away from successful schools to give to failing schools by moving their strongest principals to the failing middle schools. We’re back to where we started when we identified that BCPSS has one goal – sustain failure. We want to know why they aren’t focusing on developing competent new leadership instead of shuffling people around. Where will the principals of the failing schools go - to the openings created in the successful schools due to the transfers? We have to keep working to break the cycle of failure.

We have built up momentum due to your strong support. You can help keep our message alive by e-mailing the School Board members to tell them that we are disappointed but not discouraged, the Mayor to tell him “Now is your chance to show the leadership we need!” and City Council members to say you cannot vote on a school system budget that has no incentives for success. Some of us have had the opportunity to sing our message solo, but our message only has power because those of you who make up the choir continue to shout out the refrain.

“Many people fear nothing more terribly than to take a position which stands out sharply and clearly from the prevailing opinion. The tendency of most is to adopt a view that is so ambiguous that it will include everything and so popular that it will include everybody. Not a few people who cherish lofty and noble ideals, hide them under a bushel for fear of being called different.”

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Thank you for your willingness to be “different!”

Susan Tibbels

The System Stands By Failure

On Tuesday, April 11th, the Baltimore City School Board met to vote on a budget. New Song parents, teachers and other supporters tried once agian to get the system to support success and not failure. Read what happened at the meeting by clicking here.

Monday, April 10, 2006

We Want Our 59%

It's Time To Make BCPSS Sing a New Song!

This is what we are asking for! We are NOT trying to take money away from other schools. We are asking that schools, ALL SCHOOLS, get 59% and that the system learn to do with less!

See you at the school board meeting!

If you can't make the meeting tonight, please consider writing a school board member. Ask them to fund our school. You can also refer to facts on our blog about how New Song supports the BCPSS master plan.

Bonnie Copeland, CEO BSCopeland@bcps.k12.md.us
Brian Morris, chair bmorris@legacyunlimited.com
Anirban Basu abasu@sagepolicy.com
James W. Campbell jcamp@jhu.edu
Douglas R. Kington doug@kingtoncommercial.com
Kalman R. Hettleman khettleman@comcast.net
George M. VanHook, Sr gvanhook@dhr.state.md.us
Diane Bell-McKoy dmckoy@aecf.org
Michael Parker mikeparker33@hotmail.com
Jerrelle Francois Jerrelle.fancois@educate.com

Kieffer Mitchellkmitchell@baltimorecitycouncil.com

Show Your Support For Successful Schools Tuesday Night

We Want Our 59%!

This Tuesday, April 11th, BCPSS will vote on its budget for the 2006 - 2007 school year. There has been a lot of talk about the lack of support for success and the amazing amount of support that BCPSS provides for continued failure. As part of the small cadre of successful schools in BCPSS, we are planning to show up at the school board meeting asking for our 59%. If you can make it to the board meeting to stand beside us, we would welcome you. If not, think about making calls and/or other contact with the school board members and elected officials to express the frustration we all feel. The list of contacts can be found below.

If you can make it Tuesday Night, here are the details:

200 East North Ave
Meeting begins at 6:30 but sign up for public comment begins at 4:30
We are pushing the idea of the reversal of the funding allocation - currently the "system" gets 59% and schools get 41% - we want our 59%! Buttons, signs and tee-shirts that make that point will grab attention.

If you are contacting people through phone or email (or FAX), please refer to the New Song By The Numbers posting that shares just some of the success that we are fighting to keep.

As always, thank you for everything you do.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Another Sun Article About the System's Treatment of Successful Schools

Once again, the Baltimore Sun is covering the idea that if the School System isn't willing to support success than the only other option is that they support failure. Please read the article, and send your comments to the Sun. We MUST continue to put the pressure on the "powers that be" to find the money for success.

Support for Successful Schools Article

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Media Update

Dear Supporters:

Thank you for your strong show of support at the rally on Monday. Hopefully, you saw the article about it in The Maryland section of The Sun Paper on Tuesday. If not, we have a copy at school or click here to see a copy.

Although Channel 2 News missed the rally, they did come afterward and took some footage of our staff talking about follow-up with the politicians we contacted and let Jaz'mon Churchill read part of the fourth grade letter that you heard at the rally. They finished with an interview with Mr. Joseph, our 7th/8th grade boys' teacher. Jaz'mon and Mr. Joseph did a great job representing our school!

As a result of your calls, e-mails and faxes, we now have the strong support of Congressman Elijah Cummings, Councilman Ken Harris and Councilwoman Belinda Conaway. Please take time to send them letters of thanks.

Our thanks to Donnie Glover, Asaan Glover's father, who invited us to call in this past Tuesday to a radio show that he hosts at Morgan State University. Antoine Bennett, Director of EDEN Jobs, Consuelo Brown, our Parent Organization chair and our "one and only" Mr. Kelley called in to represent our perspective. In addition, Mr. Joseph, one of our eighth graders, Lakiesa McClean, and parent, Paige Fitz, will be on our local National Public Radio station WYPR Monday morning sometime between 7 a.m. and noon.

Next Monday (probably at 10 p.m.), FOX 45 will air an interview with Councilman Ken Harris, our preschool teacher and parent of Brittany Wood, Jennie Wiggins-Wood and me. The media attention is helping to keep our campaign for increased funding alive, and it was your voice that got their attention.


Please know that even though the school is on break for two weeks, we are continuing to pursue additional funding from BCPSS. Check in for updates!


Susan Tibbels

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Baltimore Sun Reports on Our Rally

To read all about the rally at New Song on Monday, April 3rd, click this link: City School Seeks More Money

It's not too late. Support New Song and other successful schools. Let your voice be heard.

Monday, April 03, 2006

New Song by the Numbers

What does success in a BCPSS school look like? At every grade level we have success. At New Song Academy, #322, here is what we have achieved:

Met Adequate Yearly Progress in 2003 – 2004 and 2004 – 2005 (data for 2004 – 2005 school year)
  • Grade 3
    • Our students outscored the BCPSS average for proficiency in reading
  • Grade 4
    • Our students outscored the BCPSS average for proficiency in reading by over 6%
  • Grade 5
    • Our students outscored both BCPSS and Md. State averages for proficiency in reading
    • Our students outscored the BCPSS average for students scoring at the advanced level on MSA Reading by 5 times
    • Our students outscored the BCPSS average for proficiency in math
  • Grade 6
    • Our students outscored the BCPSS average for proficiency in reading by over 20%
    • Our students outscored BCPSS averages for students scoring at the advanced level in reading
  • Grade 7
    • Our students outscored BCPSS average for proficiency in reading by over 20%
    • Our students outscored BCPSS average for those students scoring at the advanced level in reading by 6%
    • Our students outscored BCPSS average for proficiency in math
  • Grade 8
    • Our students outscored BCPSS average for proficiency in reading by over 20%
    • Our students outscored BCPSS average for proficiency in math

  • Second highest attendance in the City
  • Attendance in elementary grades: 97.4%
  • Attendance in middle grades: 98.2%
  • 100% family involvement
  • On-going and meaningful community partnerships with Sandtown Habitat for Humanity, EDEN Jobs, Martha’s Place, New Song Arts and Media and New Song Health Clinic
  • On-going and meaningful partnerships with Rouse Co., T-Rowe Price, Towson University, Vertis Inc., and the Enterprise Foundation
  • Education as a value:
  • For students who came through New Song Academy, 78% have graduated high school on time. This number is projected to be over 86% for the high school graduating class of 2006
  • 13 graduates currently attending college
  • 15 parents currently attending college
  • A rejection of the idea that middle school’s need school police in order to create a safe, secure and orderly learning environment

How Has NSA Supported BCPSS?

New Song Academy
Fact Sheet

How has New Song Academy addressed the Baltimore City’s Master Plan Goals?

What BCPSS Wants:
Objective: Increase student achievement pre-kindergarten through grade 12

What New Song Has Done:

  • Met the standards for adequate yearly progress on the Maryland School Assessment (MSA) for both 2003–2004 and 2004-2005 school years
  • At every grade level has exceeded BCPSS average on the MSA in reading and/or math

Objective: Provide students with highly qualified and competent staff

What New Song Has Done:
  • Nearly 60% of the staff have Advanced Professional Certification
  • One staff member has received National Board Certification
  • Staff members have advanced degrees from Harvard, Towson and Johns Hopkins University
  • High quality, site-based professional development designed to meet the compliance with State Curriculum goals as well as current, research-based best practices

Objective: Comply fully with Federal and State laws governing the education of students with disabilities

What New Song Has Done:

  • No compensable special education violations in 9 years
  • Established a full inclusion model of instruction where every special needs student is educated in the regular classroom setting

Objective: Increase the level of parent, family, community and business support and involvement

What New Song Has Done:

  • 100% family involvement
  • Meaningful collaboration with Sandtown Habitat for Humanity, EDEN Jobs, New Song Arts and Media, Martha’s Place and New Song Health Center
  • On-going and long-term relationships with businesses such as The Rouse Company Foundation., T. Rowe Price, Towson University, Vertis Inc. and Enterprise Community Partners

Objective: Provide secure, civil, clean, drug-free and orderly learning environments

What New Song Has Done:

  • In a community recently noted for having the highest murder rate in the city, New Song has created an environment where there is no need for school police; where the high school graduation rate for graduates is 78.9% and is projected to rise to 86.6% this year; where 15 parents and 13 graduates are currently attending college; and where attendance rates are 97.4% in elementary school and over 98% in our middle grades

The Next Wave

Dear Supporters,

Thanks to all the people who have been making phone calls and sending emails and faxes today. The more people we have supporting--the better. Look for some coverage in the Baltimore Sun and Channel 2--both were out today to cover the rally at noon.

Three new ways you can support us:

There will be two radio shows broadcast this week. Please respond to this email if you will be able to listen to and potentially call to comment on either show. We would like to know we have people listening and commenting!

Tuesday 10:00 AM WOOLB 1010 AM

Thursday 6:00 PM WEAA 88.9 FM

Also, The Marc Steiner show on Tuesday from noon to one will be on the takeover of Baltimore schools. Feel free to add your voice to that conversation! 88.1 WYPR

On Tuesday April 11th the school board will be voting on next year's budget. We do not believe it is a coincidence that this vote comes in the midst of the city school's spring break. We are looking for anyone who might be in town who is willing to go to the board meeting to show support for New Song. Please contact us at this email address if you might be able to attend. The meeting starts around 6:30. More information to follow.

Thank you!

Your Support At Work

Thank you to all who took the time to call, fax and email in support of New Song today. We had a press conference and a crowd of people out front (look for us in the Sun and on Channel 2). Studnets, parents, teachers and other supporters all put their voices together. Here are some of the things we are saying:

Dear Mr. Mayor,

I am writing in regards to the school New Song Academy which is located here
in our community of Sandtown-Winchester.

As fellow community service provider, we at Martha's Place (a recovery
facility established in 2000 for women overcoming drug addiction -
www.marthasplace.org) have been aware of the ongoing challenges that New
Song Academy faces each year in order to meet their operating budget. As a
partner with New Song Academy in efforts to revitalize our community, we
have seen first hand the excellent education they provide for our children.
We believe that New Song Academy provides a level of education which
children in our community have been denied for too long because of the
multiple complexities of public education in our city for many years.

As New Song Academy finds itself facing the crisis of obtaining necessary
funding to continue its operation we write to support their requests for
funding from Baltimore City's Public School System. Furthermore, we feel
that if Baltimore City is going to demand that the Baltimore Public School
System be given continued authority over the failing schools, it must also
demand that they be held accountable for sustaining successful schools like
New Song Academy.

New Song Academy's budget has been cut by 26% over the past 3 years, all
while acheiving the designated "Adequate Yearly Progress" according to the
state and federal guidelines set up for successful schools. PLEASE, adopt
the proposal by New Song Academy to address this funding crisis by
implementing a reversal of how the overall per-pupil funding is being spent
at New Song Academy - instead of the typical ratio where 41% of funds go to
our students and 59% goes to administrative costs for the city school
system, they have proposed that Baltimore City Public School System flip
that ratio and give the school 59% to spend on children. New Song Academy
can make this proposal work because of it's own efficient administrative
structure and this does NOT ask that funds be taken from other BCPSS

We believe that the Baltimore City School System must support the success of
New Song Academy because the alternatives for our children are unacceptable.
Please provide for our community's children by providing the necessary
funding support needed by New Song Academy.


Todd Marcus
Program Developer
Martha's Place
PO Box 12764
Baltimore, MD 21217
(410) 728-8402

Calling on You to call Them!

Dear Friends--
Here is the call list for Monday, April 3rd. We are asking that each of you make 3 phone calls. You can choose which of our elected officials you would like to contact. Most of you know the talking points, although we have listed them below. Please remember that our aim is to keep the pressure up and always maintain a positive tone. We are asking that all calls be completed by noon on Monday, April 3rd. If you can't call, please consider sending emails or faxes. Thank you for your continued support.

New Song Academy Phon-a-thon and Rally
Monday, April 3, 2006


If you are going to demand that the Baltimore Public School System be given continued authority over the failing schools, you must also demand that they be held accountable for sustaining successful schools like New Song Academy.

Talking Points:

  • New Song Academy's budget has been cut by 26% over the past 3 years
  • In that same time we have achieved "Adequate Yearly Progress" according to the state and federal guidelines set up for successful schools
  • What we are asking for is a reversal of how the overall per-pupil funding is being spent - instead of 41% going to our students and 59% going to administrative costs for the city school system, we want BCPSS to flip that ratio and give us the 59% to spend on children. We are NOT asking that funds be taken from other BCPSS schools
  • It is up to the Baltimore City School System to support success. If BCPSS and elected officials aren't willing to support success, the only other option is for the continued support of failure.


City Representatives

Mayor Martin O'Malley

410.396.4897 Mayor@baltimorecity.gov

City Council President Sheila Dixon

410.396.4804 sdixon@baltimorecitycouncil.com

Councilman Ken Harris, Chair of the Education Committee

410.396.4830 kharris@baltimorecitycouncil.com fax:410.659.1792

Councilwoman Belinda Conaway, New Song Academy's representative on the Council

410.396.4810 bconaway@baltimorecitycouncil.com

State Representatives

Governor Robert Ehrlich
(410) 974-3901 www.gov.state.md.us/mail
fax: (410) 974-3275

Senator Mike Miller, President of Senate
(410) 841-3700 thomas.v.mike.miller@senate.state.md.us
fax: (410) 841-3910,

Delegate Michael Busch, Speaker of the House
410.841.3800 michael.e.busch@house.state.md.us

Delegates 44th District

Delegate Keith Haynes
(410) 841-3263 keith.haynes@house.state.md.us
fax: (410) 841-3537

Delegate Ruth Kirk
(410) 841-3263 ruth.kirk@house.state.md.us
fax: (410) 841-3537

Delegate Jeffrey Paige
(410) 841-3263 jeffrey.paige@house.state.md.us
fax: (410) 841-3537

Senator Verna Jones
(410) 841-3612 verna.jones@senate.state.md.us
fax: (410) 841-3613

Salima Marriott
(410) 841-3255 salima.siler.marriott@house.state.md.us
fax: (410) 841-3278

Nathaniel McFadden
(410) 841-3138 nathaniel.mcfadden@senate.state.md.us
fax (410) 841-3138

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Call to Action!!!! This Monday!!!


New Song Community Learning Center is calling on all of our supporters to gather at noon on Monday, April 3, 2006 to hear about the outcome of our meeting with Mayor Martin O'Malley, Dr. Bonnie Copeland and Mr. Brian Morris. A committee of respected financial experts from throughout the City, who will be reviewing the BCPSS '07 Budget for potential funding sources for successful schools, will be announced at that time. The rally will be the culmination of a morning-long phone campaign to our City officials and State legislators. Our message will be:

If you are going to demand that BCPSS be given continued authority over failing schools, you must also demand that they be held accountable for sustaining successful schools like New Song Academy.

We need our public officials to not only consider the needs of the students in failing schools today, but to consider their needs upon achieving standards of success. If BCPSS can't fund New Song Academy and the other successful schools currently in the system, there is no reason to believe they will be able to fund any schools that may become successful in the future. As Peter Brunn said in his letter to the editor today, we must "connect the dots."

We will have phone lists available at New Song Center, and on our blog, on Monday, April 3, 2006 for any of you who would like to stop by and make your phone calls from the school. Our students will be encouraged by seeing you, especially since they have relinquished their first day of Spring Break to work together to keep our school open. We hope you will be able to join us for the rally at noon, too. Your strong outpouring of support is keeping our funding challenge alive in the current public school discussion. Don't stop now, we still need your help. On behalf of our community, teachers, students and parents, THANK YOU!

New Song Center
1530 Presstman Street
Baltimore, MD 21217

Letter for the Baltimore Sun in Support of New Song

These letters are from the current Baltimore Sun. Read what others are saying about us. Please read, leave comments and if you like, write your own letter of support by writing to: letters@baltsun.com

Don't wreck school that models success

I read with interest and sadness the article about New Song Academy ("Successful school fighting to survive," March 26).

The fairness argument that the Baltimore education establishment throws out is a sure sign that city schools are doomed by uninspired and gutless management worried about parents of poorly educated students complaining about the good education of others.

That kind of reasoning will drag down the entire system to the lowest possible common denominator - and all in the interest of "fairness."

Is it fair that some schools prosper while others do not?

No, but if you don't give succeeding schools a chance to shine, you will not have models to look to in fixing the bottomless money pit of a mess so many city schools are in today.

A calculator could divide the city school budget by the number of students and come up with a "fair" number to spend on each student. But that is not the answer to this problem. And depriving New Song of the chance to continue will not help the many schools that have failed.

Rather than wreck what is good about successful city schools, we should encourage them, learn from them and create more of them.

Tracy Swindell

Connecting the dots to improve schools

In Sara Neufeld's penetrating article "Successful school fighting to survive," New Song Academy Principal Susan Tibbels is quoted as saying, "If we won't fund a school like New Song, there's no hope for change in Baltimore City."

In the same article, Ms. Neufeld notes Baltimore schools CEO Bonnie S. Copeland's explanation for withholding additional funding. And that explanation?

If New Song were to receive the funding it needs to retain its high staff level, and with that the means to continue delivering outstanding education, the school system would be obliged to provide every other school the same level of support.


Is it just a coincidence that we read of the conundrum facing Ms. Copeland and New Song within a few weeks of a student strike organized by the Algebra Project demanding that the school system, among other things, address the problem of classrooms having too many students and not enough teachers ("Protesting students say way blocked at school," March 4?

And what are we to make of these events in light of other articles about state government budget surpluses?

Isn't this where some dots ought to be connected?

Dot 1: New Song has succeeded primarily because it has been able to deliver individual attention to its students through a low student-to-teacher ratio.

Dot 2: City schools are a mess largely because funding is not available to hire enough well-qualified teachers.

Dot 3: Investing in our students' education today saves money tomorrow, and better-educated students become graduates prepared to enter the work force and adults capable of being productive members of society.

Dot 4: Visit Baltimore neighborhoods blighted by drug trade, crime, poor housing and few job opportunities, and you can see for yourself the results of inadequate educational investment.

My line of work - bringing art to underserved populations and using art to give voice to those who need it most - brings me in contact with many wonderful organizations and individuals who work tirelessly to right the wrongs staring us in the face.

But witness the situation New Song finds itself in, and we have no choice but to conclude that our work alone is not enough. Government must find the courage to take the lead. And what will it take for that to happen? Ordinary people - each of us - recognizing that it is in our collective best interest to have a well-educated citizenry.

And that should just be a matter of connecting the dots.

Peter Bruun

The writer is an artist and the director of Art on Purpose.

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